June 14-17
GalleriesCall for workshop papers. (PDF version)
PDF version of Call for Papers
The 2016 IEEE 17th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR-2016) will be held at Keio University, Hiyoshi campus, Yokohama, Japan from June 14 to 17, 2016. The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society and the IEICE Communications Society. This conference will be co-located with 12th International Conference on IP+Optical Network (iPOP).
Keio University is the oldest private university in Japan. Yokohama is a major port city on the south of Tokyo. Past HPSR events were held in Heidelberg (2000), Dallas (2001), Kobe (2002), Torino (2003), Arizona (2004), Hong Kong (2005), Poznan (2006), New York (2007), Shanghai (2008), Paris (2009), Dallas (2010), Cartagena (2011), Belgrade (2012), Taipei (2013), Vancouver (2014), and Budapest (2015).
IEEE HPSR will address numerous challenges of today's data networks, which are being subject to significant changes driven by cloud computing, Internet of things and other new concepts. As a result, new technologies are needed to efficiently and effectively cope with the resulting traffic demands. It is important that researchers gather to share their ideas and progress in solving these future challenges that the Internet as a whole is facing. Most notably, these challenges include narrowing the digital-divide between industrialized and developing countries, offering to the latter all the advantages that come with access to high-speed Internet and the services it provides; handling the bandwidth and delay requirements of multimedia services, P2P, and cloud computing applications; deploying IPv6 and providing smooth migration from IPv4; deploying large datacenters and enhancing their switching capabilities; and achieving high energy efficiency in switching and routing equipment. These are only some of the factors that are driving the demand for switching and routing capabilities that are more intelligent, efficient, and reliable than ever before. Examples of research areas considered in IEEE HPSR 2016 include:
- Architectures of high-performance switches and routers
- High-speed packet processors
- Address lookup algorithms
- Packet classification, scheduling, and dropping
- Switching, bridging, and routing protocols
- Latency and buffer control
- Multicasting
- P2P routing
- Routing in wireless, mobile and sensor networks
- Optical switching and routing
- Switching, bridging, and routing for datacenters and clouds applications
- Software defined networking
- Data placement and migration
- Multiprocessor networks
- Network management
- Pricing, accounting, and charging
- QoS and scalability of switching, bridging, and routing
- Traffic characterization and engineering
- Power-aware switching, bridging, and routing protocols
- Network security
Paper submission guidelines: Submitted papers must be unpublished and should not be under review elsewhere at the same time. Accepted papers should not exceed 6 pages in the two-column IEEE Transactions style. Accepted papers longer than 6 pages will be charged $100 for each extra page (it may be paid in Japanese Yen). Papers cannot be longer than 8 pages. Poster papers are limited to 2 pages in the two-column IEEE Conference style. Papers should be submitted as PDF files through the EDAS system ( All submitted papers will be subject to a minimum of three independent reviews.
Paper submission:
Note: To be published in the IEEE HPSR 2016 Conference Proceedings and to be eligible for publication in IEEE Xplorer®, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full (member or non-member) rate and the paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference unless the TPC Chair grants permission for a substitute presenter arranged in advance of the event and who is qualified both to present and answer questions. One full registration is valid for up to 2 papers.
Important Dates
Paper submission due (extended): February 27, 2016Acceptance notifications: April 11, 2016
Camera-ready due: April 25, 2016
Auther registration due: April 25, 2016
Conference date: June 14-17, 2016
Executive Committee
General Chairs:Naoaki Yamanaka, Keio University, Japan
Nirwan Ansari, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Technical Program Committee Chairs:
Eiji Oki, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan
Andrea Fumagalli, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Aleksandra Smiljanić, Belgrade University, Serbia
Tutorial Chairs:
Kohei Shiomoto, NTT, Japan
Malathi Veeraraghavan, University of Virginia, USA
Panel Chair:
Akihiro Nakao, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Publications Chairs:
Nattapong Kitsuwan, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan
Hidenori Nakazato, Waseda University, Japan
Finance Chairs:
Satoshi Ohzahata, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan
Masahiko Jinno, Kagawa University, Japan
Local Arrangements and Registration Chairs:
Toshinori Tsuboi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Hiroshi Shigeno, Keio University, Japan
Masayasu Yamaguchi, Keio University, Japan
Hiroyuki Tsuda, Keio University, Japan
Secretary: Kunitake Kaneko, Keio University, Japan
Secretary: Kiyo Ishii, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Publicity Chairs:
Hiroshi Hasegawa, Nagoya University, Japan
Roberto Rojas-Cessa, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Achille Pattavina, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Nelson Fonseca, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brasil
Workshop Chair:
Hiroshi Hasegawa, Nagoya University, Japan
Secretary: Hideaki Furukawa, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
Secretary: Yusuke Hirota, Osaka University, Japan
IEICE Liaison Chair:
Hiroshi Hasegawa, Nagoya University, Japan
Web Chair:
Nattapong Kitsuwan, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan
Social Media Chairs:
Bijoy Chand Chatterjee, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan
Praphan Pavarangkoon, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan
Steering Committee
Chair:Nirwan Ansari, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Mohammed Atiquzzaman, University of Oklahoma, USA
Andrea Fumagalli, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Maurice Gagnaire, TELECOM ParisTech, France
Abbas Jamalipour, The University of Sydney, Australia
Hussein Mouftah, University of Ottawa, Canada
Eiji Oki, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan
Aleksandra Smiljanić, Belgrade University, Serbia
IEEE and IEEE Communications Society Policies
To ensure appropriate consideration of conflicts of interest during the review process, the ComSoc prohibits changes to the list of authors once a paper has been submitted for review during review, revision, or (if accepted) final publication. The author list may be changed only prior to the submission deadline.
Additional paper submittal instructions can be found on the conference Web site:
To be published in the IEEE HPSR 2016 Conference Proceedings and to be eligible for publication in IEEE Xplore®, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full (member or non-member) rate and the paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference unless the TPC Chairs grant permission for a substitute presenter arranged in advance of the event and who is qualified both to present and answer questions. Non-refundable registration fees must be paid prior to uploading the final IEEE formatted, publication-ready version of the paper. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full registration is valid for up to 2 papers.
Submission and program
Web Chair
Local arrangements